Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye!Let all people of An Tir, and of all the known kingdoms, who are not banished or enemies of the king our lord, know that there will be a great festival of arms and a very noble tourney, with crests, banners and horses covered with the arms of the noble tourneyers, as is the ancient custom, hosted by the very noble and very powerful Barony of Madrone.
And this tournament will be held from September 12 to 15, 2024, at the place called T90 ranch, in Tenino, Washington, as part of Autumn War, a collaborative event sponsored by the Baronies of Blatha an Oir, Madrone, Glymm Mere, and Wyewood.
And as this tournament takes place at a longer event than in years past, we are introducing a new format that will include a variety activities for all riders:
Site informationThe Emprise of the Black Lion XIX will be taking place as part of Autumn War, a collaborative event sponsored by the Baronies of Blatha an Oir, Madrone, Glymm Mere, and Wyewood. The event site is T90 ranch, in Tenino, Washington. T90 ranch is 80 miles South of Seattle and 103 miles North of Portland, along the I-5 corridor. The site has stalls for horses for $25 per horse per night. You will be able to reserve a stall, as well as trailer parking near your stall, as part of pre-registration for the Autumn War event. RV hookups for living quarter trailers are available close to the stalls for an additional fee. More information to be posted here soon as activity details are finalized. |