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About MEG



John Clough aka His Lordship Johannes Dehn

John Clough is a Quality Assurance / Test Manager for the game company Screenlife. He has also been widely known as a musician for the last 25 years under various band names, the most recent being his solo band, Johnny Forlorn. With his partner, Emily, he shares the love of a horse, Onyx, a dog, Ava and two cats, Sazjha and Bella.

Johannes Dehn is a late 16th century German living in Lower Saxony of the Holy Roman Empire. His main interests within the SCA include Equestrian, Rapier, Heavy Combat, Archery, Leather and Wood working, Costuming and of course, Historical Research. Johannes was awarded Madrone's Baronial service award, the Green Leaf in A.S. 43. He has been playing in the SCA since A.S. 40 (2006).

He can be contacted at or via Facebook at

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Page last modified on June 20, 2014, at 05:52 AM PST