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SCA Web Sites
Other Kingdom's Equestrian sites
(not all kingdoms have Web sites or Equestrian Handbooks/Rules) Most handbooks are in pdf files. You need the free Adobe Acrobat Viewer
Trimaris - Handbook only
Kingdom of the West - Handbook only
An Tir and General SCA Equestrian Mailing Lists
Facebook Groups
Period Resources
Period Texts Online
Horse in period art
Extant artifacts (including museum exhibits)
Multiple items
- Arador Armor Library- a library of non-commercial photographs from several European museums
- Armoury of the Dukes of Burgandy - Non-commercial photographs of the exhibit
- Horse bits from the chariot burial at Wetwang
- The International Museum of Horse- The Legacy of the Horse
- Medieval Harness Pennants
- Metropolitan Museum of Art-The Armored Horse in Europe, 1480–1620
- Royal Armouries - Covers the Royal Armouries at Leeds, the Tower of London and Fort Nelson
- Tower of London Armories (the thumbnails are broken, but the links work.)
- Armor of the Members of the Golden Fleece: Maximillian I, Philip I (made c. 1500), Charles V (1518 and 1525) and Philip II (1553)
- Paul's Antique Arms & Armor A 15th c saddle and helm for "the violent game of "Gioco del Ponte", which was popular in N. Italy during the 17th century. The "game" consisted of two (2) partially armoured combatants who clubbed each other, until one was beaten to submission.."
- "Blue Armour" Iron, leather, and embroidery Upper Italy (Mantua), c. 1550/55
- Suit of Ceremonial Armour c. 1578 Not clear if the strap bards are original or museum accessory.
- The Decoration of Tibetan Arms and Armor
Roman Horse Fittings and Coins depicting Romans
Related Reenactment Resources and Articles
General Information
Autocratting in SCA Equestrian Events
How To Articles
Caparisons and Bards
Armor for Horse and Rider
Reproductions and Online Stores
No endorsement is implied by inclusion on this site. Buyer beware!
Photo and Video Galleries of SCA Equestrian Activities
Reenactors, Modern Equestrian Games, and Equestrian Photographs
Books and Bibliographies
- Barber, Richard W. and Juliet Barker. Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants in the Middle Ages (N.Y., 1989).
- (Charny, Geoffroi de.) Kaeuper, Richard W. and Elspeth Kennedy, The Book of Chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny: Text, context and translation (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996).
- Cripps-Day, F.H. The History of the Tournament. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1918; reprint New York: AMS Press, 1982.
- Duby, Georges. William Marshal: the flower of chivalry. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.
- Hart, Roger. English Life in Chaucer's Day. London: Wayland Publishers, 1973; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973.
- Scalini, Mario. "The Weapons of Lorenzo de' Medici." Art, Arms and Armour: An International Anthology. Vol. 1, ed. Robert Held. Chiasso, Switzerland: Aquafresca Editrice, 1979.
- Select Bibliography of Medieval Tournaments, Jousts, and Formal Deeds of Arms
- (Cennini, Cenninio d'Andrea) Thompson, Daniel V. trans. The Craftsman's Handook: Il Libro dell' Arte" Dover Publications, Inc. (NY 1960)
- tr. Preto, Antonio & Preto, Luis, ed. Muhlberger, Stephen. The Royal Book of Horsemanship, Jousting, and Knightly Combat Dom Duarte's 15th century Bem Cavalgar Chivalry Bookshelf, 2005.
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