MEG Meeting2014 NovemberIn Attendance Kerij-e, Rapheal, Valkura, Giancarlo, Bernard, Katelyn, Stephen, Annisa, Guillaume Recent Events Tack cleaning & movies went well. Madrone meeting- Guild budget is $50; additional guild fund has money from fundraising and MS matching to cover insurance, practice site rental, etc. Upcoming Events Holiday party- date change to Friday December 19, to avoid conflict with Porte de l’Eau event. Dinner potluck and gift exchange. Kerij-e will bring ham. Further meal planning to happen on email list or FB group. November practice- bring tilt, pigs, quintain (update since the next meeting is in January: November practice was well attended, with 13 people, 11 riders, 10 horses. Activities were mainly schooling, introducing a new horse, sticking a few pigs.) Spring event- Rapheal- Joust trainer Ripper Moore is willing to come up to teach, Rapheal will propose some date options. 2015 practices- Kerij-e will send insurance request in this week. Will cover all Saturdays so that we can change dates if needed. Planned dates: January 17, February 28, March 28, April 25, May 30, June 27, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 17, November 14. Holiday party Dec 12 Twelfth Night will have video running all weekend. Guillaume has some video, does anyone else? Will edit a few short tracks to send if time permits. Gulf Wars 2015- Macha will be EqMIC. Kerij-e, Raph, Annisa, Guillaume all plan to attend. |