MEG Meeting
2014 February 27
In Attendance *************
Rignach, Kerij-e, Steve, Giancarlo, Valcura, Raphael, Rebecca, Guilluame, Annisa, Julianna, Bernard, Catrin, Kate, Pamela, and Antoine
New Business **************
- Main place for communication moving to Facebook group called 'Madrone Equestrian Guild'. This is a closed group so posts are not cluttering up news feeds. Please ask a member to be added. Yahoo Group is not being closed, just less traffic.
- Upcoming Events
- Baronial Banquet
- Catrin is decorating a table for MEG and needs only to know who is attending.
- June Faire.
- All horses will have to be pre-approved.
- Gordon has opened his place to be a staging again, as in past years.
- Games will include Pigs, Quintain, Heavy Mounted Combat, and Jousting.
- Do not know who EMIC is.
- Stromgard Championship
- Baroness Ludwiga wants to know how to bolster interest in their Championship - discussion.
- AI Kerij-e to contact her and recommend she post some information to the An Tir list.
- Spring Event
- Catrin & Kerij-e to EMIC
- To be held at a practice so no Baronial Approval is required.
- Ducks will be involved. Lots of ducks.
- An Tir/ West War
- Emprise
- is on the caendar for the 13-15 of September.
- Short discussion of the last years pros and cons.
- Short brainstorm on judges to invite for this year.
- Sir Raphael is EMIC.
- Kate is seeking ideas for King Renee styled A&S that can be encouraged and taught prior to September.
- Crest Display will be encouraged by all entrants.
- More pavilion space for the populace.
- Organizational meetings starting in April.
- Possible Event Steward - Countess Elisabeth de ROsignol
- Upcoming Practices
- March 15th Practice at C.M. Trinity Farm, 1-5pm
- Practice will be open to Madrone's Sergeantry Candidates to come and begin learning about the Equestrian portion of their trials.
- EMIC not currently assigned. Stay tuned because if someone does not volunteer the practice will be cancelled.
- Practices will now be open to Mounted Archery.
- 2014 Practice Schedule
- Proposed Dates and Topics
- Jan 18 - 6 horse, 7 riders
- Feb 22 - 10 horse, 11 riders
- Mar 15 - Sergeantry classes,Games training, authorizations
- Apr 19 - Spring Duck Event, EMIC Kerij-e
- May 10 - Open
- Jun 21 - Open
- Aug 16 - Baron's Tournament
- Sep TBD - Reber Practice before Emprise
- Oct 18 - Open
- Nov 22 - Open
Old Business **************
- Practice
- 10 Ground Crew
- 11 Riders
- 10 Horses
- 4 Authorizations
- No reportable accidents
- Guild Horse and Rider map shared. Results are:
- the center of the people is in the Newport/Factoria Area. We are considering moving the meeting location further south from Bellevue, possibly into Renton near the Landing. Sites to be discovered. We require eating for 15+ people, food options under ten dollars and low noise from ambient music.
- the center of the horses is near South Tiger Mountain as seven guild horses now live at the same barn. The location at Debbie's farm has improved now that the resident trainer has moved on. For the foreseeable future this will remain the main practice location.
- Website
- Photos and Biographies on the MEG site need updating.
- Rignach requested to write an Article about being a Lancer.
- AI - Kate to get updated book to Kerij-e to put up on the site.
- Classes
- Silk Banners - Pamela has a steamer, others have all the materials and now we just need a date.
- Helmet Covers - No Date
- Making a mini tilt - No Date
- Introducing a new game - No Date
- Victorian Riding Habits - No Date
- Kingdom Caparison - No Date
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2014