MEG Meeting
2014 January 23
In Attendance *************
Rignach, Kerij-e, Steve, Giancarlo, Valcura, Raphi, Farkas, Guilluame, Annisa, Julianna, Phil, Kate, Raphael, and Antoine
New Business **************
- 12th Night Meeting
- Under 5 year old children are allowed on horses. It is the parent's responsibility. Pony Rides are OK and are not a Marshal activity so do not require a marshal, but the EMIC must be OK and comfortable.
- There is a list of events for this year which will be posted on the Kingdom Equestrian Officer Page
- September Crown is in Canada.
- Emprise is on the caendar for the 13-15 of September. The Bid was approved at Curia, contracts are signed, deposit check is signed.
- Discussion of doing horses at June Faire.
- All horses wil lahve to be pre-approved.
- Games will include Pigs, Quintain, Heavy Mounted Combat, and Jousting.
- AI - Kerij-e to contact Arontius and let him know we will bring horses.
- Upcoming Practices
- February 22nd Practice at C.M. Trinity Farm, 1-5pm
- Practice will be open to Madrone's Sergeantry Candidates to come and begin learning about the Equestrian portion of their trials.
- Clarification was made about Candidate's need to be Senior Ground Crew. This has been changed to Junior Ground Crew.
- EMIC not discussed.
- 2014 Practice Schedule
- Proposed Dates and Topics
- Jan 18 - 6 horse, 7 riders
- Feb 22 - Sergeantry Classes, Games training, authorizations
- Mar 15 - Sergeantry classes
- Apr 19 - Spring Duck Event, EMIC Kerij-e
- May 10 - Open
- Jun 21 - Open
- Aug 16 - Baron's Tournament
- Sep TBD - Reber Practice before Emprise
- Oct 18 - Open
- Nov 22 - Open
- Upcoming Events
- Arts & Sciences
- MEG is running Gate for the event. Everyone sign up for a shift.
- May Crown
- Stromgard Championship
- Baroness Ludwiga wants to know how to bolster interest in their Championship - discussion.
- AI Kerij-e to contact her and recommend she post some information to the An Tir list.
- Spring Event
- Kate & Kerij-e to EMIC
- To be held at a practice so no Baronial Approval is required.
- Ducks will be involved. Lots of ducks.
- Winter Goals were set.
Old Business **************
- Practice
- 0 Ground Crew
- 7 Riders
- 6 Horses
- 0 Authorizations
- No reportable accidents
- Second site was not discussed further north. Still no action taken to cement this.
- AI Guilluame to post distribution map of guild members and horse locations.
- AI Farkas to update information on map
- AI Kerij-e to contact Mid Haven re: dates of their practices for purposes of coordination, lack of conflict, and possible combination for some dates.
- AI Guilluame to discuss 2014 Emprise dates with Jinx.
- Photos and Biographies on the MEG site need updating.
- Rignach requested to write an Article about being a Lancer.
- AI - Rignach to get book to Kerij-e to put up on the site.
- Classes
- Helmet Covers - No Date
- Making a mini tilt - No Date
- Introducing a new game - No Date
- Victorian Riding Habits - No Date
- Kingdom Caparison - No Date
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2014