MEG Meeting
2013 March 28
In Attendance *************
Rignach, Guillaume, Annisa, Johannes, Emily, Steve, Elizabeth (Nightingale), Phil, Valcura, Giancarlo, Aeschine, and Dawn
New Business **************
- Upcoming Practice
- April Practice at C.M. Trinity Farm, 1-5pm (Note: New time)
- Tilt Work, Behord Training (equitation, no blows), Quintain
- Upcoming Events
- May Pole
- Port Angeles, demo, Ivar EMIC, May 3-5
- Hocktide
- Southern Oregon
- several attending
- May Crown
- No horses.
- Guild will support a class on making equipment. Raphael to sort out details.
- Grand Thing
- Northern Oregon
- Conflicts with May Practice
- Collegium
- Need more information from Vulcanfelt group.
- We will contact Jessica @ Crown for dates, what their needs are, and a site we can do authorizations at.
- South Sound Unity
- Question posed by Barony to guild : Do we want to sponsor horses at the event.
- Answer: Still No, it conflicts with a non-SCA charity equestrian event that the guild supports.
- Emprise
- Post cards are started.
- Wyewood will be approached for their interest in partnering.
- Discussion of possible judges for this year
- Give Guillaume any additional ideas for judges this year
Old Business **************
- February Practice:
- 3 Horse, 6 riders, ? groundcrew, 0 authorization
- Police Horse Visit - Date cancelled March 23rd due to lack of interest. Rignach to confirm new date and post directions to farm.
- Wool Coolers with MEG Heraldry
- Aeschine ready to place order needs one more to get price break.
- Work Parties
- Jousting Tip Making - May?
- Jousting Tubes - order being prepared by Guilluame, more to come
- Silk Banner Making - April 14th at Rouge Haven
- Tilt Repairs - No date
- Classes
- Helmet Covers - No Date
- Making a mini tilt - No Date
- Introducing a new game - No Date
- Victorian Riding Habits - No Date
- Kingdom Caparison - No Date
- Winter Goals
- Guillaume - Make a banner, Get horse fit, Prepare a wish list of armor
- Giancarlo - Make a pourpoint
- Valcura - Rehab Cinnabar, Trailride Sunfire
- Johannes - Update MEG site with pictures, Finish doublet, Make 3 Renfaire tabbards
- Rignach - Architectural plans for Emprise Dias, Get horse fit, Make Victorian Riding Habit
- Alianora - Learn to make pewter buttons, retain sanity
- Annisa - Make Victorian Riding Habit, Make saddle clothes for Kerji-e and Franchesca, Ride in costume
- Aeschine - Make a Victorian Riding Habit, Edit horse brush paper for competition
- Dawn - Find a horse to practice on, keep improving, make Victorian Riding Habit
- Phil - ride and not fall off, attend meetings
- Raphael - make chausses and pourpoint, finish jousting armor
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2012