MEG Meeting
2012 November 29
In Attendance *************
Giancarlo, Valkura, Rignach, Guillaume, Annisa, Johannes, Alianora, Aeschine
Old Business **************
- November Practice:
- 5 Horses
- 4 Riders
- 1 Authorization
- 3 Ground Crew
- May Crown
- Large crowd of indifference toward the idea of going to the Toppinish Site.
- Major concern for safety and sensibility of taking horses there in May.
- No support for bringing any of the guild's horses.
- Police Horse Visit - Rignach to co-ordinate dates in New Year.
- Spring Event at Fall City Riding Arena.
- Now City Parks are Managing the site.
- Kerij-e to EMIC the event.
- She will find site info.
New Business **************
- Practices
- Interest in doing a Demo Practice (for an audience)
- Possibly at Farrel
- Discussion about insurance and ordering it for 2013.
- Work Nights
- Discussion of making work nights into a social type activity with crafts as people desire.
- Viscount Sir Raphael & Mistress Kerji-e volunteered their home.
- Dates and night of the week to be determined.
- Holiday Party
- 3pm until whenever
- Rignach to send reminder on list.
- Winter Goals
- Guillaume - Make a banner, Get horse fit, Prepare a wish list of armor
- Giancarlo - Make a pourpoint
- Valkura - Rehab Cinnabar, Trail ride Sunfire
- Johannes - Update MEG site with pictures, Finish doublet, Make 3 Renfaire tabbards
- Rignach - Architectural plans for Emprise Dias, Get horse fit, Make Victorian Riding Habit
- Alianora - Learn to make pewter buttons, retain sanity
- Annisa - Make Victorian Riding Habit, Make saddle clothes for Kerji-e and Franchesca, Ride in costume
- Aeschine - Make a Victorian Riding Habit, Edit horse brush paper for competition
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2012