MEG Meeting
2012 October 25
In Attendance *************
Giancarlo, Valkura, Guillaume, Annisa, Johannes, Alianora, Aeschine, Maragrite
Old Business **************
- Upcoming Holiday Party at Rignach's
- December 1st or December 8th?
- Aqua Terra Yule is the 1st.
- Vote happened.
- 8th sounds best.
- White elephant gifts as usual.
- May Crown
- 3 Options Discussed:
- 1. Fully sponsor an equestrian event
- 2. Fully sponsor a class only event.
- 3. Fully sponsor that Vulcanfelt takes the reins and we show up to crew.
- Final decision will need to be made before February 1st.
- Kerij-e will send out emails.
- Margarite will contact Kingdom EQ lists.
- Perhaps classes and such would be best.
New Business **************
- Ursulmas
- Margarite is the EQ officer for Aqua Terra,
- Ursulmas, wants an equestrian presence but no horses.
- Would like us to bring a display.
- 2013 Schedule: Discussed
- Winter Workshops:
- With more new equestrians, workshops this winter to work on equipment.
- Possibly random different places.
- Also we need more jousting tips.
- And more pigs.
- Starting this weekend?
- Alianora shows off potential new Wyewood Baronial garb.
- Emprise
- Brief mentions of Enprise.
- Each Barony got $350.
- About 226 in attendance.
- No negative comments from Reber.
- In field chat from Jinx... may have fence in the In Field.
- Not having the evening meal made things easier.
- Weekend before we may have to have separate insurance for the practice before the event.
- Kudos to Alianora for getting so many volunteers.
- Food truck was obviously missing.
- Lack of Biffies was apparent.
- The prizes were very welcome, however it tapped into the baronial largess a bit.
- Perhaps heavy fighting in the in field next year. A lot of this is contingent on the weather.
- Hay bales may not be able to be used on the infield. We pay for wet hay bales.
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2012