MEG Meeting
2012 September 27
In Attendance *************
Giancarlo, Valkura, Rignach, Guillaume, Annisa, Johannes, Kerij-e, Landinn, Julianna, Aeschine
Old Business **************
- Emprise:
- Discussion of removing "allez" from the Joust.
- Only one delay, saddle failure.Otherwise, everything ran on schedule.
- Guillaume has joust video which will be a great training tool.
- Anne-Marie also has video of the Emprise.
- Guillaume has opened a Youtube Site for MEG. Access will be sent to individuals, not posted publicly. See him.
- 21 Competitors Saturday.
- Side Note: Equestrian Forms do not reflect the type of events which are being run today. They are out-dated.
- Rignach to send South Seattle Saddle Club contact info to Guillaume for Emprise Site 2012 possibility.
- Feedback forms are only going to Guillaume, not whole list. He will fix.
- Aeschine running Challenge Course for 2013. She will write up details and post it early.
- Discussion of making a judge's dias for 2013.
- Pizza in the barn was a great idea!
- Alianora did an awesome job as Event Steward!!! Thank you from the Guild!!
- September Practice
- At Reber Ranch
- 10 horse, 17 Riders, 3 Authorizations.
- Delivered stuff for Emprise.
- Mid-Haven came and played!
- Demo at UW
- For future Demos Illuminate MEG Sign Board.
- Goal: Integrate 7-8 new comers
New Business **************
- Practices
- October 20th, November 17th.
- 2013 dates to be agreed at Nov Meeting.
- Winter Goals
- Figure them out for November Meeting.
- Meeting date changed to 29th to miss holidays. Same location.
- Police Horse Visit - Rignach to co-ordinate dates.
- Spring Event at Fall City Riding Arena.
- Now City Parks are Managing the site.
- Kerij-e to EMIC the event.
- She will find site info.
- December 8th : Holiday Party at Rignach's House.
- Same format as before. Bring a recycled gift, wrapped, if you want to participate in a gift exchange.
- Rignach will provide dinner with veggie options.
- Bring a dessert to share and beverage favorites.
- This year we will have the Band Hero and other things up and running! YA!
- Proposed Classes for 2013
- Silk Pennants
- Saddle Cloth
- Banners
- Classes for new members to help them make kit!
- Need dates and places to hold the classes
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2012