MEG Meeting
2012 February 23
In Attendance *************
Guillaume ; Annise ; Johannes ; Kerij-e ; Aeschine ; Giancarlo ; Valkura; Anne-Marie
Old Business **************
- Feb Practice was deemed a success.
- William ran the event.
- Warm up, tilt, rings, quintain and pluvenel.
- Annise and Keri-e discussed their continued work on the Kingdom Comparisons.
New Business **************
- Next Practice will be ran by Guillaume.
- Sat March 17th at Trinity.
- Garb optional. Guillaume will update website.
- Comparison work meeting potentially Sun March 11th at Annise's house.
- Field trip to the Midhaven Eq practice for all interested. March 11th.
- April Practice - Sat April 21st.
- Kerij-e is running this one.
- This will no longer be a 'demo' but rather a 'bring a friend' practice.
- This one will be in garb.
- 'Demo' practice discussed.
- Perhaps again at Ferrel-McWhorter later on in the year.
- Day at the Manor update
- It now has an official name.
- Still rounding up teachers
- Trying to arrange a mounted falcon demo
- Trying to set up a website for the event
- Will need to gather more marshals
- Emprise
- Trying to run it like last year.
- Alianora will be the Autocrat
- Guillaume will be the vision coordinator.
- Offical submittal to Barony will happen at the next Baronial Curia
- This is still considered a MEG event.
- The date is still Sept 15th
- There will still be a set up and practice one week before.
- Alianora will need to contact Rene for the insurance.
- We now have 3 different quintains available to us for the event.
- Will need to make more pigs.
- Is the tilt too high? Discussion.
- Is the tilt long enough? Discussion.
- Appreciation given to Raphael for all his work on maintaining and storing all the equipment.
- Would like to have a viewing stand made for the judges.
- Discussion on who we would like to ask as judges this year.
- A few names thrown out were: Bev, Barric, Thorin, Steingrim, and Colin Debrey (excuse my mispelling of any names here)
- Events we might be at this year
- Mentioned: May Crown, Grand Thang, June Faire, An Tir West, Midhaven's Championships, July Coronation, Day at the Manor, Stormgards, Autumn War, Sept Crown, Emprise, and Last Chance
- Actual Horse events for MEG: Grand Thang, Midhaven Championships, Day at the Manor, Stormgards, Sept Crown, and the Emprise
- Winter Goals (for the next month or two)
- Anne-Marie: Ride horse 2 days in a row
- Guillaume: Need armor
- Annise: Buy fabric for Comparisons
- Kerij-e: Get Stuart through his Eagle in the BSA
- Aeschine: Write paper for A&S
- Giancarlo: Garb
- Valkura: Knee is now working again, PT Complete, Sunfire is doing much better
- Johannes: Garb and camp boxes.
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
Filed under:Meetings 2012