MEG Meeting
2012 January 26
In Attendance *************
Guillaume ; Annise ; Johannes ; Emily ; Kerij-e ; Aeschine ; Giancarlo ; Valkura ; Felicitae ; Elisabeth ; Rignach ; Alianora ; William
Old Business **************
New Business **************
- The Riderless Horse cloak and comparison are getting smelly. It is time to remake it/them. Fabric may be available.
- Practices for 2012 will be on Saturday's going forward rather than Sundays.
- This years dates include: 2/18, 3/17, 4/21, 5/12, 6/16, 8/25, 9/9, 9/15
- Practices will continue to be held at Trinity with the exception of the one right before the Emprise which will be at Reber.
- Potential of turning the 4/21 into a type of demo for the Guild.
- Kerij-e and Aeschine's concept
- Advertise in the local barns and stores.
- Invite friends and family who have been curious to see what we do.
- A venue to show more than just fighting / combat.
- Could offer ground crew classes.
- There may be an issue with a parking.
- If too many people showed interest, should we move it to a different location?
- Start by having a Facebook RSVP list.
- Emily could help with flyers and handouts but will need info.
- More discussion about our target audience.
- Mission statement:"Show up and find out how to get involved."
- Bring chatelaines to help answer basic SCA questions.
- Is there a budget to help pay for printing?
- Her Excellency may have a source for free printing
- Still need to find out if this is permissible with Trinity.
- More discussion to happen via email
- Organization of practices:
- Someone other than Guillaume to take turns organizing practices. Guillaume apprehensive that if he could not make it for a practice that it might not happen.
- William has volunteered for February's practice.
- News of Rignach's Academy
- It now has the backing of the Barony.
- All paperwork is in progress.
- Rignach is the Autocrat
- Site = Reber Ranch
- Handed out a 'teaser' handout.
- Discussion about handout followed including verbage and name for the event.
- The idea that this should be thought of as a Kingdom wide event.
- It will have both lectures, classes and combat.
- Includes Heavy, Rapier, Archery, War Classes, Tournament Classes, and of course Equestrian
- War classes will be more tactical then actual.
- Gordon to help teach these.
- Classical Riding maneuvers.
- Non martial classes like "How to Make Things"
- Falconry from Horseback
- Participants get rings or tokens for attending events.
- No Challenge Course or Eq games but there will be a Quest Event.
- Her Excellency asked if there would be room for the Baronial Archery Championship to happen. Answer was that it would be tough to do so.
- Breaking even point will be 70 people.
- Expected attendance should be about 200.
- Expectations of Rignach for the guild for this event: 'Just bring your horse and have fun."
- Question about Rental Horses? Probably not.
- No Lionhearts this year.
- Winter goals were suspended for this meeting.
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
- 1st Thursday of the month work parties take place at Rignach's house.
Filed under:Meetings 2012