MEG Meeting
2011 July 28
In Attendance *************
Guillaume ; Annise ; Aeschine ; Johannes ; Anne-Marie ; Rignach ; Naomi ; Kerij-e
Old Business **************
- Stormgods Recap
- Fun had by all.
- Rapheal won 2 awards
- Great ideas and prompting for next year at Stormgods
- We should create a Perfect/Improve list
- Advance info needed before event.
- Someone to write article about 'What would someone need/expect in order to come to your event.
New Business **************
- Brief chatter about 2012 Autumn War and who was going.
- Brief chatter about Sept Crown and who all is bringing horses.
- EQ Collegium
- Still looking for site.
- Putting together info to present to Barony
- Rignach is asking for ideas on the types of classes.
- 4 Main Tracks cover: Combat Riding, Stuff Ya Wanna Know, General Riding & Make A _____
- William has interest in teaching.
- Kerij-e has interest in teaching on how to autocrat events.
- Advertise to people 'to bring' or 'not to bring' their horses
- The focus will be to gather information from all the knowledgeable people here in An Tir.
- Requirements for site:
- 2 Arenas, 2 Area for Classes, 2 days worth of classes, camping.
- Rignach is gathering info on all the sites she is visiting and will publish a journal that others can add onto.
- A brief discussion on Instructor Insurance.
- Emprise X
- Conversation about the pitchers being made.
- Need to order insurance.
- Now we will need 2 of them 1 for practice 1 for event.
- Bio Security
- Should bleach/clean stalls 1 week ahead of time at set up practice.
- Online notebook has been sent out.
- Start pre-registry now. 6 weeks advance of event.
- Talk to Reber about creating a break in the inner fence.
- Chris from Wyewood pulled out of food. Talks are happening withe the Madrone Culinary Guild.
- Menu Discussed
- How many people are they "seating" for food?
- Backup judges discussed.
- Will find out about Heinrich of the West before Aug 1.
- Both of Their Majesties will be there.
- Decorating from Wyewood is a 'go'
- Spike will be the Heraldic Crier
- August 28th is the next practice
- Kerij-e volunteered to be EMIC of Aug Practice
- Rignach is bringing a few friends.
- Games for next practice = Speed Quintain, Quintain, Rings, Pigs and Reeds (maybe heads).
- Discussion if practices should continue next year and to what frequency.
- Group said yes and continue with the once a month.
- Should we have pre-reg for practices?
- What would be the circumstances to cancel a practice?
- Sponsoring an event = $50.
- Discussed sponsoring the Costume Class
- "Emprise of the Black Lion : A Medieval Tournament" & the URL
- Misc
- Aeschine has MEG Reins and Breast Plates for sale that she hand makes. Very nice.
- Decals are available through Guillaume.
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
- 1st Thursday of the month work parties take place at Rignach's house.
Filed under:Meetings 2011