MEG Meeting
2011 March 24
In Attendance *************
Guillaume ; Annise ; Aeschine ; Felicitae ; Johannes ; Rignach; Elizabeth; Rapheal ; Kerij-e ; Anne-Marie ; Constantia ; Heinrich ; Kiera ; Brianna ; William ; Katie
Old Business **************
- Practice Recap
- March Practice "Rocked!" This was at Trinity. 5 Horses and 6 riders were in attendance. There are 3 spaces available to use including an indoor (covered) and outdoor arenas. There are modern facilities and 'marvelous" footing available.
New Business **************
- New Meeting Location
- Kerij-e to look into a possible new location as we are starting to become too big of a guild for Denny's. Some options included the Bellevue, Factoria or Mercer Island Libraries.
- Shadra has offered to have instructional classes / practices at her home for thrown weapons. Felicitae to follow up with Shadra.
- Brief discussion on wish for unmounted practices. Possibility was mentioned of combining with Thrown Weapon practice.
- Baronial Banquet April 9
- Description was given for new comers.
- Get your pre-reg in now. Deadline is March 30.
- Request for a guild table once again.
- Banner painting as an activity to start at 1:00 will be sponsored by our guild.
- Court to begin at 3:30 with His Majesty in attendance.
- Lionhearts
- June 10 - 12
- Same location as the last couple years.
- Autocrat = Constantia
- EMIC = Rapheal.
- Forms collected that Guillaume requested. Goals and Hopes were reviewed for each.
- Having at a minimum of 2 Equine activities happening at once with the Challenge Course worked well.
- Examples are Challenge Course, Archery and perhaps something else.
- Request to have the Speed Quintain at the event.
- Request for Joust training.
- Let Rapheal know about what he needs to bring to practices for the event.
- "Big Ass Foam Dragon" was mentioned as an activity.
- Give a Demo for the Bards so they understand what a "Challenge" consists of for the Emprise.
- Invade the Bards encampment.
- Emprise
- Discussed and reviewed goals and wishes from the forms collected.
- Possible minions available from Kiera.
- Challenge other Baronies to attend. Not necessarily just for the equestrian part but for fighting or archery as well.
- We will expect a large Fighter turn out as we are part of the Fighter Contest that many are participating in.
- Forthcoming Emprise meetings will be done by subarea.
- Ex: Games, Food, Fighting and Archery, Other...
- Guild Website
- Kerij-e will send out an email on thoughts & ideas for improving the site.
- One suggestion was to have a factual page for nutrition info and such.
- Decals
- First round of orders taken for Guild Stickers which will come in 3 sizes 6 Inches ($2.99), 8 inches ($6.59) or 14 inches ($9.59).
- Contact Guillaume for orders as he will be putting in a batch order soon.
- Winter Goals
- Are done for the season...
- 2011 Practice Dates
- April 24
- May 15
- June 19 (?) this is the weekend after Lionhearts
- July 10
- Aug 28
- Sept 11 at Reber
- Oct 23
- Nov 5 (Remember remember...)
- Dec (no practice) but on the 10th will be the MEG Holday Party
- Misc
- Jousting tubes available in 5 - 8 foot lengths from Guillaume.
- 1st Thursday of the month work parties take place at Rignach's house.
Filed under:Meetings 2011