MEG Meeting
2010 October 28
In Attendance *************
Guillaume ; Annise ; Aeschine ; Felicitae ; Anne-Marie ; Emily ; Rapheal ; Johannes ; Teresa ; Gian Carlo ; Valkura ; Jason ; Shannon ; Amelia ; Brandon ; Kenny
Old Business **************
- Practice:
- Good attendance.
- Rain was annoying.
- Pigs, Quintain, Birjas and Rings were all set up.
- Emprise
- 200 at Gate
- $1400 in profit. Share $400 with Wyewood.
- Reports from website sent around
- Friday's ride was welcome. Keeping it as a blocked off time frame was considered important.
New Business **************
- Emprise 2011
- Reber again for next year.
- 3rd weekend in Sept rather than 4th due to Their Excellencies request.
- Practice November 21st.
- Last Official Practice of the year.
- Still at Farrel McWhirter
- 2011 Practices
- Considering new sites.
- Tasks handed out to contact various alternate practice locations.
- Considering an unofficial practice in December.
- 2011 Meeting Location was discussed. For now, we shall remain at Denny's.
- Javelin throwing workshop at Felicitae's place.
- General chit chat about combat javelins.
- Pros: Liked running through the fighters.
- Cons: Disliked running through the fighters.
Winter Goals **************
Rapheal: Make changes to barding. Refine chamfron
Felicitae: Brakes on horse, non sticky gas pedal on horse. New name for Mocha.
Anne Marie: Improve SCA gaming kit. Keep horse sound.
Annise: Continue work on Duchess Harness. Training. Replace Wardrobe.
Guillaume: Take lessons. Improve seat for sparky horse.
Aeschine: Define goals. "Blah, blah, blah."
Teresa: Wardrobe. Work towards games at Canter. Training for both horse and rider.
Valkura: Get a new knee (Feb)
Gian Carlo: Work on garb.
Emily: Develop Roslynd personna. More clothing. Keep horse sound.
Johannes: Landsknecht garb. Make combat javelins for guild.
Filed under:Meetings 2010