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MEG Meeting

2010 February 25

In Attendance *************

  1. Guillaume # Annise # Aeschine # Rignach # Gian Carlo # Valkura # Emily # Anne Marie # Rapheal # Kerij-e # Johannes

Old Business **************

Farrel McWhirter Park permits have been submitted.

  * $100 per practice
  	*  Come up with different ways of paying for practice.

3rd Sunday at Reber in Sept. No extra cost. This is 1 week before the Emprise.

March Practice is set for Kathryn Taylor Park

New Business **************

April 10th Baronial Banquet.

	* We are running gate.

Lionhearts - Northbend. June 11 - 13th

  * EMIC(s) = Rapheal and Rignach
  * Things to do:
	* Extend the Tilt Party, new Quintain
	* Discussion on events to have at LH
		* Caroussel
		* Drills
		* Challenge Course
		* Archery
		* Joust Training
  * Party
  * The Autocrat is Heinrich; Landin is the co-Autocrat
  * Discussion about the uber-paddocks 
  * Discussion about the emcampment setup
  * Discussion about mid-day naps.  

Non-SCA Upcoming Event

  * Reber Ranch - Bark-n-Ride for Life  August 28 & 29th


  * Check and Deposit have been delivered
  * Website will be updated
  * March 4 Emprise Planning Meeting
  * All judges have accepted.
  * Coupon for making plates.
  * Discussion of getting Swag made (t-shirts, mugs, etc...)
  * We're getting a new woodcut from Gwen for cards by Banquet.
	* Other ideas included stickers and window cling-ons
  * Need to add Poles to project list for hanging banners.

Updates to the An Tir Book of Horse

  *  The new minor ages went from Ten to Five for both Riding and mounting gaming.
  *  The new rule book will be out in a few weeks.

Discussion about Midhaven Championships:

  * Should we help run tournament or bring horses?

Sept Crown - Glyn Mere (South of Olympia) Spt 3-6

Winter Goals *************** Update: No new updates.


Filed under:Meetings 2010

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Page last modified on February 25, 2012, at 10:46 PM PST