MEG Meeting
2007 October 25
Guillaume, Annisa, Anne-Marie, Kerij-e, Rapheal, Rignach
Old Business
- October project night recap
- Baronial Banquet display board
- Emprise final thank-yous
- proposed 2008 events
- Recherche (need: branch, autocrat, eqmic)
- June Faire (need: eqmic)
- Lionhearts (need: eqmic)
- Sept Crown (need: bid accepted by Madrone or Wyewood, eqmic)
- Emprise (if we do it)
New Business
- New classes
- details for class to be taught by Gordon discussed, date, times, advertisement, etc.
- other class ideas:
- basic leatherworking (AM / Rapheal)
- ask Thorkel if he would be willing to teach Norman 101
- ask Bev if she would be willing to teach ecranche making
- Hoof dissection
- Invite Edward & Ilaria to teach classes of their choosing
- Ongoing website organization
- idea... per-century kit discussions, with a knowledgeable guide for each century
- brainstorm re: how to organize the resources section (so much interesting stuff!)
- website org crew?
- Kerij-e
- Rignach
- Annisa
- Guillaume
- We are the recipients of some funds, from Wyewood. How shall we use it?
- $100 to Madrone
- save the rest for now, some ideas (permanent scroll of death!) discussed
- Official Practice dates for 2008
- postponed until we can determine whether our youngest rider would have to be excluded until June
- Winter goals
- recorded -- will post elsewhere
Filed under:Meetings 2007