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MEG Meeting Minutes

2007 January 25


Felicitae, Annisa, Guillaume. Plus Felicitae's excellent book on tournaments.

Slow month! We had only three people at the MEG meeting last night, but we had an "official" meeting nonetheless.

We discussed old business including the 12th Night equestrian meeting notes and reviewed the winter goals I wrote down at the November meeting (we'll do this every meeting, just to keep us on track during the rainy months). We also discussed goals for the jousting tournament at May Crown, and reviewed the latest draft of the proposed Society Equestrian Handbook revision.

For new business, Felicitae suggested that we explore the formation of a "MEG book club". I'll let her outline her ideas on the list...

Felicitae mentioned that she was aware that some clinics were starting to book Reber Ranch towards the end of the summer, and I (Guillaume) will contact Countess E. to see what our status is regarding securing the site for the Emprise.

If you haven't already done so, please check that your authorization paperwork has found it's way into the An Tir Lists database. If you find that yours has not, please let your authorizing marshal (or Guillaume) know and we will pursue getting the paperwork re-submitted.

Filed under:Meetings 2007

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