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May Crown Tournament

May 18 to 20, 2007, near Yakima, WA.

This event is past...check back later for an event report!

An Tir's May Crown Tournament is being organized by the Barony of Vulkanfeldt in Yakima County, WA at the Toppenish Rodeo Grounds (map)

The Equestrian Marshal in Charge for this event is Mistress Kerij-e, Guildhead of MEG. (send mail)

Horse Facilities

Site is semi-primitive with water on site. There are permanent paddocks (divided roundpens) which are available by reservation. There is plenty of space for portable paddocks (electric or other.) No bedding or hay is provided. Bring your own buckets, wheelbarrow, and forks.

Toppenish field panorama
Panorama of the Toppenish Rodeo Grounds arena (approximately 275' x 130')

Toppenish round pens and grass
Round pens and grassy area behind the arena, rig parking will be at right

Camping and Trailer

There will be camping and trailer parking in the vicinity of the horse area. This will be considered part of the equestrian area and both campers and visitors will be required to sign equestrian waivers.


Deadline has past - Call EMIC directly for any changes or questions 425-829-5308

Preregistration is required for those planning to bring horses and recommended for those riding (if you are not sure if you are riding or not, preregister. It's easy, and helps with the event planning.)

Before you pre-register, please be aware of the following:

  • There is a per-horse haul-in fee of $5, to help defray the cost of the equestrian insurance.
  • You will need to provide proof of vaccinations (4-way & rhino) at check-in. (Contact EMIC if you have questions)
  • Equestrian authorization cards (or printout equivalent) will need to be presented at check-in (Authorizations may be scheduled by appointment if necessary).
  • Pipe corrals are available for no additional charge.


  • Jousting Tournament (Sat midday) - sponsored by the Madrone Equestrian Guild
  • Mounted Town Criers (Sat and Sun) - Sponsored by Countess Elizabeth
  • Riderless Horse ceremony (court) - Sponsored by the Ladies of the Valorous Estate and the Rose
  • Inter-Kingdom Equestrian Competition (IKEqC) Sat pm/Sun Pm - Sponsored by the Dregate Equestrian Guild
  • Cavalry Drills Sat and Sun AM - Sponsored by the Shire of Mountain's Edge
  • Horse Tack: Strap goods contest (Sat pm) - Sponsored by the incipient Kingdom Equestrian Guild Any item that would have been longer than wide (a strap) and put on a horse in period. This includes bridles, halters, strap barding, crouper, breast collar. This also includes any material they would have been made out of in period (not just leather!).
  • An evening equestrian get-together and cocktail party (Sat evening) - Sponsored by Maitresse Anne-Marie d'Ailleurs
  • Riding authorizations (Saturday and Sunday AM, by arrangement.)
  • Groundcrew class (Sunday) - Sponsored by the Emprise of the Black Lion autocrat team

No kingdom equestrian meeting is planned.

If you or your group would like to sponsor an activity, tournament, display, contest or class, please contact Mistress Kerij-e. We are especially looking for someone who can coordinate a Mounted Combat demonstration.



Friday, May 18
3 p.m.EMIC (Mistress Kerij-e) on site. Horses cannot be unloaded until the EMIC arrives or by prior arrangement.
6 p.m.Equestrian arena open for riding
Saturday, May 19
9 a.m.Equestrian arena opens for general riding and equipment setup
10 a.m.Cavalry Rider meeting and Cavalry drills immediately after. Sponsored by Shire of Mountain's Edge equestrians (HL Macha EM)
noon to 1 p.m.Joust pre-tournament meeting (competitors, heralds, and groundcrew) and joust warm ups
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.Jousting Tournament sponsored by Madrone Equestrian Guild (Lord Guillaume and Sir Rapheal, EMs)
2 p.m. to 3 p.m.Joust playtime and cooldown
3 p.m.Incipient Kingdom Equestrian Guild meeting - Arena grandstands
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.IKEQ Rider and groundcrew meeting and Inter-Kingdom Equestrian Competition (IKEqC) sponsored by Dregate Equestrian Guild (Mistress Oso, EM)
 Strap contest by Incipient Kingdom Equestrian Guild (Lady Rhiannon Boyle, contact)
7 p.m.Equestrian arena closes
DuskMadrone Equestrian Guild Cocktail party and Meet and Greet - MEG encampment
Sunday, May 20
9 a.m.Equestrian arena opens for general riding
10 noonGroundcrew class (Open to all interested in equestrian activities) Sponsored by Emprise of the Black Lion (HL Annisa and Maitress Anne-Marie, instructors)
10 to 11 a.mIKEQ continues (Mistress Oso, EM)
11 a.m. to 11:30IKEQ teardown.
11 a.m. 1 p.m.Jousting continues (Lord Guillaume and Sir Rapheal, EMs)
1 p.m. to 2Cavalry drills (HL Macha EM) and equipment tear down
2 p.m.Equestrian arena closes and final teardown/cleanup
5 p.m.Site closes

Other equestrian activities not scheduled for a specific time:


To setup a time for an authorization (including for Mounted Town Crier), contact the EMIC - Mistress Kerij-e at crystal_smithwick(at)hotmail(dot)com.

Mounted Town Crier

There will be a few rounds of Mounted Town Crier. Contact Countess Elizabeth or Sir Rapheal for more info at sirrapheal(at)hotmail(dot)com or on site Saturday morning.

Court Business with Horses

 * Riderless Horse ceremony - contact Kerij-e
 * Emprise of the Black Lion challenge - Contact Countess Elizabeth
 * Other business with horses in court - Arrange with EMIC in advance

General event information

Toppenish Rodeo Grounds
600 S. Division St.
Toppenish, WA 98948
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Page last modified on May 24, 2007, at 02:41 AM PST