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About MEG




From the MEG charter:

Second, there shall be elected from the guild members attendent to the May meeting, a guildhead and a steward. This office shall be re-elected at the beginning of every year of the society, being May.
And when the guild shall sit, the guildhead is to have, each night so long as the guild sits, two glasses of refreshment and two candles, and the steward the same. The guildhead, or his or her designate, shall record the discussions and decisions as made by the guild and report them to their Excellencies and the general populace at the Baronial Council and to the Madrone public boards, repositories, and to others who may have interest. If the guildhead cannot fulfill the duty, then these duties fall to the steward. Should anyone wish to view these records they should be made available.

The current Guildhead is Annisa Gabrelli

The current Steward is Katelyn of Shetland Isles.

Previous Guildheads

AS 48-50 - Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e AS 47-48 - Johannes Dehn
AS 42-46 - Guillaume de Garrigues
AS 40-41 - Ynesen Ongge Xong Kerij-e

Previous Stewards

AS 47-48 - Rignach of Argyle
AS 44-46 - Anne-Marie D'Ailleurs
AS 45-44 - Felicitae de L'Hayes
AS 41-42 - Guillaume de Garrigues
AS 40-41 - Aeschine Gearranach

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Page last modified on June 09, 2015, at 05:58 PM PST