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Emprise of the Black Lion XIV After-Event Report

Your feedback is important! Whatever your relationship to the event, please take a minute or so and let us know what is working well and what could be better next time. Your feedback will be shared with the event leadership and the equestrian guild

Event: Emprise of the Black Lion XIV
Hosted by: The Barony of Madrone
After-Event Report written by: (optional)


What was your overall impression of the event?

What was your favorite part of the event?

What were your primary motivations for attending?

What was good about the facilities or location? What worked well, what could be improved?


If you participated in the equestrian tournaments, how did it go? What worked well / what could be improved?

What suggestions would you make to improve equestrian activities at this event in the future?


If you participated in the archery tournaments, how did it go? What worked well / what could be improved?

What suggestions would you make to improve archery activities at this event in the future?

Foot Combatants

If you participated in the foot combat tournaments, how did it go? What worked well / what could be improved?

What suggestions would you make to improve foot combat activities at this event in the future?


Is there anything you would recommend to improve this event in the future?

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Page last modified on September 21, 2015, at 05:26 PM PST